Scene Recalls Revisited

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    Profile photo of mervakamervaka

    John, not a theatre guy, no. I do however want to understand how you guys prefer to work (in a manufacturer agnostic fashion, preferably)

    Profile photo of Dick ReesDick Rees

    I do use mine for some theater and for live radio broadcast, but suspect that my work flow is not nearly as scene-dependent as those who must follow a script as I tend to have an average of 8-10 lavs/earsets in a production and can use mute groups and DCA’s for some tasks. I currently have vision in only one eye so I likewise rely on things working as expected/required without having to do visual checks. For now I’ll have someone else call cues.

    Does this aberrant behavior extend all the way up to the iLive?

    Profile photo of John-SJohn-S

    Where ever we are now, I want to press one button to advance to the next scene and recall it too. One press to make active the next scene with a large “you are on this scene” display.

    For example: I am on scene 137 and now want to recall scene 138 and have it active. One press please is all I ask. Not possible now.

    Oh, and while I’m dreaming I would like an option to recall a scene without confirmation dialog but still have overwrite (save) confirmation in case I press the wrong button in performance.

    Profile photo of John-SJohn-S

    >>>>Does this aberrant behavior extend all the way up to the iLive?<<<<<

    I love it. LOL.. But I have never operated an I-Live, sorry

    Profile photo of mervakamervaka

    John, to clarify: “wherever we are now” is the current (last recalled) scene. “next scene” is the scene after the last recalled scene in the list, and NOT the selected one. Am I understanding this absolutely correctly?

    Profile photo of StonepianoStonepiano

    Yea Alright, but in order not to get overtly theatrical, I’d like to put forward a scene-change within a single piece of music (or several changes, for that matter): these have to happen even more instantaneously than many theatrical cues. So the workings of the recalls really do matter, a lot. I just do this one circus-season a year, with a live band, lots of cues, loads of things happening everywhere, all the time. And I can’t trust my desk. I would not be in trouble with just a concert, but the weird behaviour would annoy me a lot, nevertheless. But there still seems to be people out there, who think it’s hunky dory. I don’t get it.

    Profile photo of John-SJohn-S


    I believe you are smelling what I am cooking. 😉

    Allow me to say it another way. There are two steps in “next scene”. First is to “recall next scene” then “take” (or go). Allen Heath only gives you the option to (GO and NEXT) which is bass-ackwards. I asked for an option of the inverse (NEXT and GO) which the enlightened world uses and is logical.

    Yet another description: I am now on scene 10 happily listening to on-stage dialog and staring at a script. Now I want scene 11. I just want one press of a single button (as an option at least) to recall and take scene 11. I do not want to confirm my choice. I do not want to look away from a script. I do not want to be uncertain where I shall go when I press the button. Seems easy, yes? One of the programmable buttons would make this easy but is not an option.


    Profile photo of StonepianoStonepiano

    OK, now I definitely need to fulfill my promise to shoot the video, this thing is looping around the logic of A&H’s approach, BUT I HAVE RANDOM ANOMALIES. actually i do not even know what is stored anymore… maybe my unit’s motherboard came from a dirty batch, yes/no/who knows/i don’t know. (Jimmy Buffett)

    Profile photo of John-SJohn-S

    Ah.. A fellow Parrot Head!

    Profile photo of StonepianoStonepiano

    Yep. As I asked in a previous discussion: what can be so hard about present being the present, and the next in the future? Now all we’ve got is a whole lot of info about the future, that could just be one softbutton-press away from the NOW.

    Profile photo of John-SJohn-S


    Profile photo of GCumbeeGCumbee

    Seems like we have been beating this one up for a long time. As I think John or someone said months or nearly a year ago. It seems like the whole scene thing was an after thought. My feelings are scenes are a vital part to committing to a digital console. In fact some of my sales are for that reason.

    For me I have just tried to deal with what was there even though I feel it needs a lot of refinement. I have had weird things happen with scenes and left me scratching my head as to if I screwed up or the board did.

    For example. 3 weeks ago doing a live 15hr Telethon on GLD. I had all the major acts saved in scenes based on their sound checks. Other acts I worked off a base scene. I had one stage, emcee mics, video playback. The big stage was mixed on another brand and I took a stereo mix from it. I feed the remote truck.
    Emcee mics were in full safe mode. During the show several hours in I switched scenes and went to emcee mics. All 4 were dead. Took me way too long to figure out all the pres on emcee mics went to 0 or inf. I finally got them back up. The rest of the show I made that same change many times. Never did it again. Hmm. I have had those kinds of things happen. No overwrites. Just changing scenes.

    I fully agree with John. It should be a one button change. The lighting industry has been doing this for ages. Just a GO button for the next cue. It shouldn’t be that hard to understand.

    Profile photo of StonepianoStonepiano

    And I Love The Now.

    Profile photo of StonepianoStonepiano

    Double two-hour shows tomorrow, and ice gots drunk on frustration, rest mi case for now, youse may watch the happenings next week, when the tubelink presents itself to the audiocommunity at large, or whatever… thanks guys, maysbe weese gettin someplace wit dis.

    Profile photo of John-SJohn-S


    I see you frequently help users of AH consoles here on the board. I have gleaned a few tips from you by lurking and would like to say thank you.

    Maybe if we ring that bell often and loud enough on enough of their forums they may take a hint and give us a software option of “logical” or “Allen & Heath” style scene operation.


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