RTA in PEQ/GEQ window

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  • #43334
    Profile photo of jb12stringjb12string

    I think it would be great to have the channel rta “behind” the PEQ visualization in the channel screen and behind the GEQ “unit” in that screen (along with the option to make the rta pre or post EQ)

    Profile photo of moonmoon


    Profile photo of jb12stringjb12string

    Also, a way to change the range/zoom the rta, I’ve found sometimes I don’t have enough signal to show me what is going on in some instances.

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    RTA is already available in GEQ screen
    but 30 Band RTA is not enough, it has to be more precise in PEQ

    my studio PEQ with this is this one here, and I like the interface very much…
    and I like the new StandardEQ from SIR

    Profile photo of jb12stringjb12string

    You are correct, when you pafl the source you do get the rta on the GEQ. I believe the behringer X32/ Midas M32 has a 100 band RTA behind the PEQ.

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    I would prefer something like the Cubase Channel-EQ with more Bands (like the Voxengo or the SIR EQ)
    They all use many more bands (TAPS) about 1024 I guess and it’s an FFT based solution, so other methods of visualisation audio signals would be possible.

    A modular and highly configurable concept would be nice 🙂

    Profile photo of WolfgangWolfgang

    for the RTA in the background of the GEQ and PEQ windows. this suggestion I wrote six years ago.

    this idea primary comes from the UMX96 digital desk, this was a EAW prototype in 2006

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