Routing Qu-Drive to St2??

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  • #52652
    Profile photo of audioklaaudiokla

    I’m searching and searching.
    How can I assign the Qu-Drive to st2 not to st3??
    My global usb-source is Qu-Drive, but when I assign the st-2 to USB, I only have an x and it is not working.
    What is my mistake?
    Thanks a lot.
    Greetings from Germany

    Profile photo of AndreasAndreas

    Simple answer: You can’t.
    On the Qu only dSnake inputs are patchable, any other input has a fixed assignment. Maybe this can change with some firmware upgrade (as we got dSnake patchability), but for now you have to live with QuDrive on ST3.
    Grüße zurück

    Profile photo of audioklaaudiokla

    Aber danke für die Antwort, Andreas 😉

    Grüße Klaus

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