Routing on SQ7 not matching ME-500 channels

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  • #122936
    Profile photo of gutr2gutr2

    I have recently started doing sound at a venue where the channels on the ME-500 units do NOT match up with what’s on the I/O routing page for the ME’s.
    How could this be? I would appreciate some input and to know if it’s a good idea to use the reset channels function on the ME’s.

    Thank you!

    Profile photo of Cdub718Cdub718

    Are you using a ME-U? Is so, make sure the firmware is up to date.

    Profile photo of gutr2gutr2

    Thanks for your input. No, I believe the ME signal comes out of the GX4816 (DX2 out) into an ethernet hub, which is distributing the signal to all the ME units.

    Profile photo of ScottScott

    It was my first time using the me system in the last few days and landed on a weird outcome that might be similar to yours. I had patched keys, keys2, gtr, acoustic gtr, vox1-5 to ME channels 5-13 respectively on an SQ, however on the ME-500s they showed up as channels 1-9. It’s my assumption now that on the 500s whatever you assign first goes to the first available channel rather than what is specified.

    So with that experience in mind, is what you patched in order, but not in the right ‘slot’?

    Profile photo of gutr2gutr2

    That’s very good input, thank you! I remember seeing something in the manual along those lines. That you can’t skip a channel in the patching page, and that the SQ will assign the next one to the next available channel. I will check on that, thanks!

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