Hello A&H, here are a few things that came to mind while working with the D-live.
cant wait to see the changes made to the whole scene part of the console in 1.5, hoping for more possibilities in the recall filter, and cross times per channel / parameter.
In recall safe window: make strip recall available per fader bank, layer A to be used als show and changing.
layer B / F fixed for troubleshoot
In recall filter screen, an expanse of the abilities to recall safe certain parts of the patchbay.
for example, input patch, insert patch, direct out patch, output patch all separate.
In routing screen, ad numeric values to rotary’s, just grafic rotary’s give little feedback to the exact mix balance
For the live surface aswel as the director
In surface strip layout, the ability to move around “spacers” like on GLD was possible, now one has to move all the assigned fader around to create a space.
The ability to control the usb player with softkeys, for example assign a specific song to a key, and make keys that pauze, stop, next and previous tracks.
the ability to copy paste or have a library for recall filters.
For softkeys functions, the ability to toggle virtual soundcheck from record sen to virtual in and back, maybe with a second softkey to arm this funtion (keep arm pressed, then toggle)
reorder inputs, and more so, when changing the mixer config, have the ability to specify which busses are to be removes or added, and in which order.
(sorry, but like the digico session structure / restructure)
an expanse of the matrix routing possibilities, for example:
An input directly into the matrix.
When using a mono matrix, fed by a stereo group, the ability to send the left and right channel of the group separately into the matrix. now it just a sum.
Group to aux routing