Recall Safes for Input Processing are no longer safe after power off/on

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  • #112127
    Profile photo of FrostyFrosty

    We have an Avantis with a GX4816 I/O which we user for theatre shows and it has given us some trouble with scene recall changing input gains and phantom power on the GX4816 which had been set to recall safe.
    I have the GX4816 inputs set to channels 1 to 24. I set them fully safe and check the global recall safes page then save the first scene and also save the show.
    After powering off and on again, the recall safes for channels 1 to 24 are no longer indicated as recall safe. In particular, it is the input processing of these channels that are no longer safe and as stated above, input gains get changed part way through a show causing major issues!

    I have seen this reported on an Avantis facebook group and wondered how many others are suffering the same problem and when is it likely to get fixed.

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    You need to understand that the preamp is not part of the input channel processing.
    It is possible to use a channel strip with different inputs. This is used for virtual sound checks, for example.

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