Hello everyone,
I’m having a problem figuring out the recall filters to get them to do what I want. I’m trying to make it so I can use a scene to just change the FX sends for my vocalists. If anyone can help me out that would be awesome.
On the SCENE page Select recall filters and in the bottom left corner select BLOCK ALL.
Now you can go to FX SEND and open only the send for the vocals FX.
Thanks for the quick response Scott.
When I tried that it still wasn’t affecting the sends. The only way I could get the scenes to change ‘properly’ was if I stored everything with no recall filter. I also noticed that if I had any recall filter set it wouldn’t recall properly. I.e. I blocked the preamp and trim with everything else open and it still didn’t work.
Maybe this is a bug in the system?
Any further help is greatly appreciated