Random electrical noises during playback (studio use)

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  • #65180
    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Hi stevelogik,

    Yeah the topic got split…sorry I didn’t post a link in this thread…I posted in other places, it seemed like this problem had several manifestations though…I am glad you finally got your’s resolved!
    I wish this was the solution for all, I know I would have been ^&8% if I ended up not getting it to work. Love this board, but really sucked leaving work to continue work on something I should have been playing with 😉

    What AMD did you purchase?
    Maybe could start a SOLUTION Thread we can chime in on….If you have a good working system, maybe we can inform others of good configurations?

    Actually that protocol analyzer…yeah when I saw you post that I laughed so hard..
    That’s funny, Originally I was looking to see if I could find an analyzer to look for drop-out.
    I did use a software analyzer to poke a bit when I was looking into this…
    not as capable as doing hardware in-line…but…(within a normal person’s budget..plus I couldn’t find one at work..haha)
    reading through Intel errata and manuals while falling asleep to repetitive USB data…and then NOISE…SMH…it helped me a little finally point the finger.
    The middle finger Intel! haha


    Profile photo of TritonXTritonX

    I purchased a MSI A68MH motherboard, a cheap 4.1 GHZ AMD CPU (not the cheapest but close, forgot which one) to go with it. 8 GB of 1666MHZ, a 256GB SSD and the rest (case, PSU, HDD, monitor) I already had at home. All that for less than 500$.

    It’s not as good and fast as the Intel laptop I planned to use but it’s still perfectly usable and had no issue recording with it in 2-3 weeks of usage.

    I wouldn’t call buying another computer “A SOLUTION”. When I made the joke to the Intel support guy he told me, ” I’m happy you found a solution”, replied with “I think you didn’t get the joke… Joking aside, while not very useful, I have nothing to say against the guy who I was in contact with for the support. I have the impression he really tried to make a follow up and solve my issue but since it would require a rewrite of their drivers his bosses weren’t really willing to go that way…

    Probably that there is no issues with other Intel chipsets but screw them …

    Profile photo of SternenlichtSternenlicht

    For the record ! I did buy a USB 3 PCIE express card. Ok – it was only 25 bucks. I hoped that i would have a exclusive USB card /port solution to get lower latency. (Because other USB ports are used for Keyboard, Mouse, NI Maschine, USB Midi controllers and so on.)

    Guess what – the Qu Pac does not work with this pci express card.

    The card is a fresno logic card.

    Should have bought this one:

    As i have still usb 2.0 ports on my pc, i will move the current devices that does not stream audo to the new usb 3.0, and give the usb 2.0 exclusive to the qu pac.

    But its nevertheless annoying 🙁 The usb 3.0 should be correctly backward compatible.

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Yes, it’s annoying, but that’s IT for you… if it doesn’t break the mainstream case who cares about full compatability

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    So Allen & Heath,

    At this point wouldn’t it seem like a good idea to just write a driver to read the raw Layer2 audio stream of the dSnake.
    Instead of USB, hell go Ethernet….why not?

    Quick fix, maybe just change the order…..USB for MIDI, dSnake for Audio??


    Profile photo of Anonymous

    No good if you use dSnake and USB… but I’d quite like to be able to play/record over dSnake

    Profile photo of LongyLongy

    Hey all, what is the current status with this?

    I have just recently bought a QU32 and in the process of rearranging things in my studio to fit the new desk in. I was hoping, actually part of the main reason of buying the QU32, to record directly into my DAW, but reading this I am getting a little concerned on if I made the right choice. I was looking to pick up an Imac in the next few weeks to run as a DAW using Sonar/Ableton for multitrack recording, has the electrical noise issue been sorted? I know there is a fix with disabling the AHCI on PC, but that isn’t possible on the iMAC.
    If it hasn’t been sorted then I suppose I will have to have a look at getting another PC built instead….not ideal, was hoping to make the switch for it’s better audio/midi handling, but if needs be n all that.

    Profile photo of ffHakkeffHakke

    There’s no solution in the hardware of A&H. If you read the full post you will see that this is quite an actual topic. My solution was to solve it with a separate Behringer USB soundcard. No issues since.

    Profile photo of LongyLongy

    Just the thing I was hoping to avoid by buying this mixer >.< I already have an MOTU 828mk3 and a couple of Behringer ADA8200’s but was hoping to move away from those. I really hope A&H get on to fixing this issue via firmware update or something….but then I know how some companies can be.

    Profile photo of TritonXTritonX

    I’m still in communication with Intel support since A&H points the responsibility to them.

    After cursing at them a few time the support guy finally seems to try hard to help me(us). I made them a explanatory video and gave them a hardware report and I’m waiting for a follow up…

    Profile photo of jakethepegjakethepeg

    Thanks heaps for the work going into sorting this issue!

    Profile photo of LongyLongy

    Hopefully they can do something about it TritonX. It seems a waste of a major feature of the QU mixers to not be able to record using the inbuilt usb interface for it’s intended job. Look forward to hearing more, hopefully positive news.

    Was only thinking earlier, if it is true that newer systems have removed the option for disabling xhci, then that buggers up the plan of building a new system to, so the sooner they can sort the issue, the better. I really don’t want to send this board back to the shop I purchased it, it’s still boxed and unused as it stands but I’m not all that fussed by other options that are currently on the market and really don’t want to go back to using the MOTU and Ada’s for input/output.

    Profile photo of jakethepegjakethepeg

    I haven’t been able to disabled xhci on my new Dell. I have been meaning to look into it more thoroughly but my initial search through bios was unsuccessful. Quite annoying…

    Profile photo of Dick ReesDick Rees


    Profile photo of AxelViennaAxelVienna

    This is for the community using QU16/24/32 with Linux and e.g. Ardour as a DAW software.
    The random glitches during streaming (i.e. playback) are caused by hardware issues on the PC side, linked to CPU throttling. The CPU being throttled down during playback causes handshake issues in the USB communication to the QU XX mixer.
    If you have an older PC w/o CPU throttling, you will not experience glitches.
    If you have an AMD hardware and you manage to disable throttling, you are also set.
    If you have an Intel hardware (like I have), you may experience troubles to stop the PC from throttling down the CPUs.
    In this case, none of the following solutions mentioned in earlier or related posts will work:
    – Buy a better USB cable (actually a USB cable is either broken or it works)
    – Buy a USB 2.0 PCI card
    – Play with buffer sizes and real time settings

    The hard and reliable way is to use the QU16/24/32 for recording only and the audio device built in the PC for playback.
    – Buy a phone connector adapter to link your PC’s line out to the QU16/24/32 ST1 or 2 inserts (e.g. https://www.amazon.de/dp/B07K58VX13/ref=sspa_dk_detail_4?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B07K58VX13&pd_rd_w=6bXS3&pf_rd_p=ba8dd0a6-f259-424f-a55c-308aa41eb539&pd_rd_wg=VcZ8O&pf_rd_r=12BKS0WVT7WYJ7ZN8J4S&pd_rd_r=dc1181f2-1d87-4966-b712-1eaeb81c283d&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExM0hLRUU4RktGSERSJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNzU0Mzg3UTMwV0ZWVEhPTlRIJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTA1NjE4NTYxV05JSDc0Tko1Mk9NJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfZGV0YWlsJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ==)

    – Start jack on your Linux PC in a way that it uses the QU mixer for input and the PC hardware for output.
    Example (assuming that you want to use jack with the ALSA backend, your QU24 is registered with the hardware ID QU24 and your pc audio device is registered with the hardware ID PCH, your sample rate is 48kHz and your buffer size is 1024):
    jackd -dalsa -Chw:QU24 -Phw:PCH -r48000 -p1024 -n2

    If you launch Ardour, it will determine that jack is already running and thus connect smoothly.
    Mind that you may have minor timing differences between the audio devices.


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