Rack Item RP104

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  • #88260
    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Our Stage Left Equipment rack – other then the usual AR2412 AR84 and a host of other modules has a single height unit called RP104 (Titled “FB CAT6”). It has 14 CAT5 sockets marked C1 – C4. Plugged into these are cables coming for the floor pockets – also CAT5 connectors obviously. A band has asked for digital input and I can’t look at back of GLD to see if a I/o port board is fitted or even look at main panel to see one listed. Any one know anything about this 104 module? could it be digital audio links to FOH? Seems a bit odd to offer two plain network connectors to each floor pocket.

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    you have to ask the guy who builds your installation

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Getting hold of them is like pulling hens teeth. But, I got a chance to run down there and found it’s a A&H ME Personal Monitor system distribution rack. There are so many cables it’s hard to see what’s underneath. Plus, the load of CAT5 cables going in fooled me. So, bottom line; we don’t have any digital I/O in/out (other than the dSNAKE of course). Thanks

    Profile photo of ScottScott

    It looks like the RP104 is a patchbay, but there could also be other items built with the same model number which are unrelated.


    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Thanks Scott. Your right. Its a ME-U distribution box fed from the AR2412 for the half dozen personal monitors. On stage. I’m going down today to check if there is any I/O board (DANTE etc) in the back of the GLD112 and if so where does its cable appear stage side. If I can’t find this I’ll let the band know we can’t accommodate digital from their mixer. They’ll have to send their mix to FOH via XLR.

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