Quick routing question

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  • #114453
    Profile photo of Record ThievesRecord Thieves

    How do you route the computer audio to each aux send inside thr QUSb? Logic is outputting to the interface but i need to send that signal to each band members ears.

    Profile photo of airickessairickess

    You must have each Logic channel output to a separate QU channel. Then you treat them like any input channel and assign the inputs to whatever AUX send you must.

    Profile photo of Record ThievesRecord Thieves

    OK I think I may have stated that wrong. I don’t need every channel inside logic to go to everyone’s mixes separately. All I need is the stereo outs of logic to show up in the QU software so I can then route them to each person’s auxiliary out. Think of it as Having playback inside logic that I can send to each persons ears separately.

    I have logic out putting to the QU, but I can’t find it anywhere in the software, no matter where I look, so I’m sure there’s some sort of routing I have to change in order to see the signal from logic in the QU software, thus allowing me to route it to the aux sends

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