Qu32 Soft Key Issue

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  • #104329
    Profile photo of stupaakstupaak

    Hello all,For some reason. My Qu32 won’t allow me to save scenes to soft keys 7,8,9…Anyone else haveing this problem. It will save while I’m on the scene page but then when I switch to processing it clears the scene.


    Profile photo of Mike CMike C

    Are you wanting softkeys 7 8 9 set to recall a specific scene number?

    Do you have any scene safes or filters in place?

    Profile photo of Mike CMike C

    Just to rule out any issue with the soft keys themselves do they
    work when set up for other functions?

    Profile photo of stupaakstupaak

    I updated firmware and that seems to have fixed the problem.

    Thanks you for your inquiry.


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