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    Profile photo of Anonymous

    i am a new one here.
    hope do some friends.
    i am from Portugal.
    i need if some one out there can help me in one mixer i buy from allen heath.
    the mixer is qu32.
    i need know if is possível have more mixes outputs than the 7 the mixer have from factory?

    Profile photo of MarkPAmanMarkPAman

    Hi Jorge

    You have the groups & matrix on the 32, but “real” mixes is limited to the 4 mono & 3 stereo.

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    i try that but there is a prob.
    i can break the sinal of L&R.
    i need another solution.
    is possibel or no?

    Profile photo of MarkPAmanMarkPAman

    While your English is much better than my Portuguese, I don’t quite understand what you mean by “I can break the <signal> of L&R”.

    Can you explain what you want to do another way?

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    1º, thanks for your hellp.
    i mean,when i send sinal of any chanel to groups,at same time send sinal to L&r.this sinal of l&r i can break.
    is that i mean.
    what i want or need is a solution like mix outs, because i need more 4 ways to send sound to stage.
    or i need in total 11 ways send sinal to stage.i have the 7 mix outs but need more 4.
    i am afraid this is not possível.
    or is possível?

    Profile photo of MarkPAmanMarkPAman

    I’m afraid that 11 “properly” separate mix output is beyond what a Qu can do by itself. You could look into adding some MEs to create other mixes I guess.

    But I think you really need to move up to a GLD……..

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    i think you are wrigth,i need go to gld

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    I have come across this whilst planning some bigger jobs.
    The need for more than 7 mix sends.
    off course there is L/R as another send which gives 8
    It would be a great feature to have the groups switchable as extra sends. Page 30 in the manual 6.10
    Unfortunately the faders ONLY MOVE TO THE FOH layer… unless I’m missing something?
    So maybe I should check out the ME1 to get some more sends?
    Is any one doing this?

    look forward to any thoughts/comments

    Profile photo of dpdandpdan

    I love my Qu24 and would not want to part with it but Mackie’s new DL32R has 12 mono mix outputs plus L/R

    all routable however you want.

    Sorry, but Jorge is looking at buying a new mixer that can do what he needs,
    the main difference is that the Mackie DL32R has no actual console,.
    only iPad control.. so it is not really comparable to a GLD.

    Profile photo of dcongdondcongdon

    dhak – we run into this issue with our GLD. Sometimes 20 mix outputs is not enough. We regularly use ME-1s to add additional stage mixes. Things to be aware of:

    1. You relinquish control of the ME-1 mix to either a performer OR your monitor engineer. There is no central control from the QU/GLD. Make sure you train the end-user and trust them to properly set levels (especially if the output feeds a floor wedge).
    2. ME-1s do not have EQ/compression control for individual channels (just global). To improve the sound of the ME-1 output (at least on a GLD), first assign the direct-outs to the monitor patch. Then go to individual channels and select where in the signal path you wish to pull the direct-out feed (post trim, post eq, post comp, etc.). I do not have access to a QU right now, so someone else will need to verify if you can do this.

    Good luck!

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Thanks Daniel
    I have experimented a little with the ME-1s’ and into a powered wedge from the line out.
    You are right … getting around the ME-1 as a new user was … difficult for myself. Let alone training some musician just before a show!
    And the EQ for using as a floor wedge just wasn’t good enough.
    I hadn’t tried using the ME-1 into a 31 band EQ located on a stage before the floor wedge…
    That might do the trick to get a couple of more sends from the monitor desk (QU32)
    I was just looking at that apparatus that DPdan mentioned.

    Gosh would you want to monitor mix 32 channels walking around a large stage with a very loud band with that device? with 3 more large acts to follow in one night?

    I’ll have to have a BIG think about all of this!
    Thanks for your input Daniel.

    I didn’t want to buy an iLive or a GLD for other reasons
    I think we are at an era of change.

    dave NZ

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    i my hedea this is a great failure from allen heath.
    because there is on market another solutions from another brands,with more mix outs.
    some of this mixers is more cheaper or around same price.
    i think allen heath need think about this.
    in my country perhaps allen heath can sell mutch Qu,dont mather if is qu16,qu24 or qu32,because of this prob. of mix outputs.
    when on market there better solutions from concurrence like,soundcraft,midas,cheats like behringer and so many more…

    Profile photo of mervakamervaka

    Surely impossible without adding more DSP horsepower?

    If you think those are better solutions for you, then by all means go ahead.

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    what you mean dsp horsepower?

    Profile photo of BLKGHOSTBLKGHOST

    This has probably been mentioned before but one way to use the stereo mixes as 2 mono is by using panning. Pan left for mix 5 and right for mix 6 for example. Yes you have some limitations, but it’s better than nothing. Maybe the reason why it’s not possible yet might be processing power. If you split a stereo mix, you now need an extra GEQ for example.

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