QU24 "Default" Scene on repowering.

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  • #83591
    Profile photo of HowellsoundHowellsound

    Hi. I am a Retired Sound Man but QU24 Newbie in Church.
    The desk was set up by installers with a generic Scene called “Default” for ‘Basic’ users. As ‘Administrator’ I have needed to amend this and saved a new Scene called “Default” with the date added, expecting everyone to use that.
    When I log out and reset the User to ‘Basic’ operators I notice that the desk selects the Default” scene, not my updated one.
    I was led to believe by the Installers that after turning off, when repowered it would restore the desk to it’s last setup but I need to leave it in ‘Basic’ operator mode.
    Any ideas anyone please?

    With thanks.

    Profile photo of GigaGiga

    I think the trick would be to save the first “default scene” to another spot and overwrite the original spot with your updated one if that makes sense. In the permission screen for users (admin, basic etc) the installers have likely prevented basic users from using other scenes than the scene in position one.

    Good luck !


    Profile photo of MarkPAmanMarkPAman

    As administrator, you can set which scene is loaded when a basic user signs in, a well as others they can access (or not).
    The installers will not have had a level above Administrator to use, so you can change what they did.

    Section 10.4 in the manual is where to look for more info.

    Profile photo of HowellsoundHowellsound

    Thank you both Giga & Mark. I replied on my phone yesterday but obviously it didn’t arrive.
    I will try your option Mark to redefine the Default Scene, but if that doesn’t work, your work-around Giga.
    We have a couple of other issues but I’ll ask those separately.
    Thanks again both.

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