Qu-You protocol?

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  • #44886
    Profile photo of pfrpfr

    I developed an app for crosscountry skiing a year ago. We went android and iOS. After a year on the market I have to realize that the iOS market is 80% vs 20% for android. The investment in developement and programming is the same for both platforms. More the 6000 units have been sold so far. We had not one technical issue on iOS but had many issues on android, (about every 50 sales). The problem with android is that there are to many different devices on the market (over 3500 models) as for iOS about a dozen. Therefor I can understand companies like a&h not offering support on android because the real investment is not the programming but the support and it would eat up,to many resources. My 2ct.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

    Profile photo of ZueriZueri

    Thanks xapbob. That’s exactly my point. Anyways. I’m not going to go with flame wars for iOS or Android. Boths systems are ok and have their users.

    It is not a must requirement and I would never buy a console based on the criteria if it provides Andorid support or not. There are many factors which are far more important than app support. But if it has support for the OS I’m using it is an additional argument to buy it. That’s why I asked to implement QU-You Android by myself because my band members would like to have it (it is a cool feature).

    @Pfr: I cannot confirm your experience. Many of our customers do their Android apps first and afterwards iOS because the market for Android is much bigger. Depends maybe on the app and the region, check https://goo.gl/vlLkDF to see a nice overview. Also we never had such issues as you are telling. If you have a good technical base you don’t care if your apps run on 10 or 100 or 1000 different Android devices because they just run. This if you don’t need all the fancy stuff you can do in Android or need to support Android 2.x but that’s the same for older iOS versions. And the costs are not really 50:50 it’s more like 70% for the first OS and 30% for the other.

    Anyways. There is no spec and therefore no app made by myself.

    Profile photo of Nicola A&HNicola A&H

    I have to say that a Qu-You on android would be nice

    We hope to preview something next week in Frankfurt: https://community.allen-heath.com/archives/46749

    Profile photo of ZueriZueri

    Sounds amazing. Let’s see if I can make it to Frankfurt. But good news anyway.

    Profile photo of AndreasAndreas

    @Nicola: Are you in Frankfurt next week?

    Profile photo of Nicola A&HNicola A&H

    @Andreas Sure. Flying out on Monday and back on Friday.

    Profile photo of StrokerREDStrokerRED

    Great news! I ended up buying a used Ipad for less than 150 bucks to run the QU-pad app. But getting everyone in the band to switch to an Iphone would be like pulling teeth and not worth it for the Qu-you. This will be great now that we are also slowly switching over to in ear monitors.

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    The mixer that keeps on giving 🙂

    Been a while since I’ve had to follow firmware upgrades on a mixer…

    Profile photo of clarocqueclarocque

    StrokerRED, maybe used iPod Touches could be an option.

    Profile photo of AndreasAndreas

    @Nicola: Nice to know, I’ll try to come over and say hello…

    Profile photo of StrokerREDStrokerRED

    I have thought about used Ipod touches, and that would be a good solution. Until you meet my band…lol. Keeping track of their personal phones is hard enough, let alone a Ipod, and then a whole other level of keeping it charged! ha ha. An android QU-you app would just make it that much easier…

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