QU-SB Mono Out question

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    Profile photo of pgrillonepgrillone

    I haven’t gigged with the QU-SB as of yet, being the tourist OFF season, So what a good time to learn a new mixer. I use a BOSE L1M2 as my PA system. So now that Ive got my mixer tuned in just how I like it, I wanted to ask if there is a way to send a MONO OUT signal to the BOSE?

    I know I can Pan everything to L or R, but prefer not to do it that way, if I do it that way my QU-DRIVE recordings are also effected. I noticed the MONO OUT XLR on the back of the mixer which I assume are MIX outs.

    So to simplify my request, I want a complete EQ, FX, and all channels to route through one connection.

    Thanks in Advance for any help you can I’ve me.

    Profile photo of Dick ReesDick Rees

    On your I/O routing tab, configure your Alt Out bus as L+R. Connect via either L or R Alt Out jack using a TRS>XLRm cable.

    Profile photo of pgrillonepgrillone

    Thank you, I will give that a try when I get home today, it’s kinda great having a place where people can share experience.
    Thanks Again!! Your solution makes total sense 🙂

    Profile photo of pgrillonepgrillone

    sorry, another stupid question, Im looking at the image of the back of the QU-SB, its doesnt have an ALT OUT like on the QU-PAC

    Profile photo of pgrillonepgrillone

    sorry, I just figured it out, you gave me the answer, I just didnt read it correctly

    Profile photo of Dick ReesDick Rees

    Sorry, I was thinking of Qu-16. L+R on the SB is only available via the dSnake out. For now just look for L+R output routing options.

    Alternatively, use a mono Mix set to post-fader.

    Profile photo of pgrillonepgrillone

    right, setting the mono to POST would include all the EQ and FX

    Profile photo of Dick ReesDick Rees

    Setting the channels to -post just means that the Mix mix will follow the L/R mains bus. You still need to return the fx to the Mix as well as the L/R. The post-fader option simply means that your mono Mix mix will follow level changes on the mains bus. Any routing such as fx needs to be addressed per bus.

    Profile photo of pgrillonepgrillone

    Whewwww.. when i get this setup, I’m gonna save the scene everyplace! 🙂

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