Qu-SB "Do not Plug Footswitch while mixer is powered" ?

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  • #108159
    Profile photo of LuckyLucky

    On Qu-Pad app, on Footswitch Control page, a warning says “Do not plug or unplug footswitches while the mixer is powered”.

    What are the conséquences ? Only risk of triggering a fonction while plugging or unplugging ? or damage to the desk ?

    I want to use the footswitch fonction to select a scene, WITHOUT A FOOTSWITCH, only by inserting a mono jack that makes contact for FS A …

    I prepared a scene called “basic” with a few mics, a guitar, and line input, that I can use without any control on it, just plug the mikes and instrument and then play.

    To be sure to be on this scene when starting the console (may I have used it before for something else), footswitch A selects this scene. I insert my guitar jack in and out to select the scene, no need of footswitch.

    It works fine, but is it a problem for the desk to do so ? (I can’t figure out why it should cause a problem)
    Thanks for your help,


    Profile photo of Lee7Lee7

    I have never encountered a problem when I have plugged in my Boss FS5 footswitch after I have powered on my QU-SB.

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