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  • #50629
    Profile photo of StonepianoStonepiano


    I ran the latest firmware update on a Qu-24, but was a little absent-minded: had the update-file on a stick I use for everyday-storage, not formatted strictly for the Qu, that is… the update procedure seemed to be quite normal, and there was no format-error indications. Do you suggest I do it again with a stick dedicated to Qu only, to be on the safe side?
    Another question: I now have the AR2412 on stage, and feeding the L/R mix to PA through a separate system processor, which is where all eq’s and delays are being performed at. I want to feed a pair of local monitors from the alt out -L/R post everything. Can I dial in an independent delay for the alt-out at the console? Don’t have the desk in front of me now, and could not find it in the manual, would like to be prepared in advance.
    Best Regards,

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Would you be better off using a matrix to feed local delays?
    Although they are not the same processed sound of your outboard processing rack.
    Only the PFL has a delay on the ALT out

    Profile photo of StonepianoStonepiano

    Thanks dhak, now that I know that the master does not have delay on the alts, it became a feature-suggestion. Alt would be the obvious output for nearfields, I think. I’ll get around this somehow, put a stereo delay box in between, or sumptin’. Eq- wise,I only need to hear the channel processing.The purpose of the system eq is just to make the PA as flat as possible in the hi/mids, and reproduce what’s coming out of the console. Can’t have that much lows in them Fostexes anyway. I’ll see if I can spare a matrix for them, but I’d like to be prepared for those TV-crews and other video saboteurs that always seem to pop out of nowhere…

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    There was a lot of discussion about this topic some months ago.
    Why not use the matrix? and simply feed post FOH only?
    It works really well.
    Assign a fader to the that matrix in custom layer.

    Of course another idea would be to delay the tape output?
    I have never the tape output. ever.
    mmm now on saying that maybe I should get my DR66 fixed!?
    Na I just want a one box shop these days.

    Sorry they were vocalising my thoughts

    Profile photo of StonepianoStonepiano

    + I’m somehow fond of the idea of having the nearfield volume controlled by that little pot in the corner, not having to change layer… slight inconvenience.

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    “Once upon a time”

    The custom layer is simply superb when you take that plunge and get the hang of it.
    The custom layer just grows like a seed.
    Maybe the idea with a custom layer is to just start by assigning all of those faders to normal channels.
    So there is no difference between lower layer and custom layer.
    and then after a while try assigning say mix send to just one fader…
    food for thought

    Profile photo of StonepianoStonepiano

    Now that I’m at it: I’ll be playing in quad- feeding rear speakers from mixes 9-10. If I leave them unassigned from the stagerack, do they automatically become local outputs at the desk?

    Profile photo of StonepianoStonepiano

    Yes- perhaps I’ve been thinking of the custom layer too much in terms of just DAW-control… as soon as I have the show together, I’ll see if I can run the season on a combination of custom fader groups. And the scene-list.


    Profile photo of AndreasAndreas

    Maybe this thread could be split and moved into a new thread within the Qu Forum, currently it totally global…

    The AltOut is just a patchable output connector without additional functionality. If a duplicate LR feed with different delay is needed, using the Matrix would be the first choice.
    Mix assignment on the AR does not affect local output on the desk, they’re hardwired. Patching an output at the AR is just a duplicate of the local output (you may also assign the same feed to multiple AR outputs).

    Profile photo of StonepianoStonepiano

    This subject is pretty much done, I think I’ll go the custom-layer way, and assign the matrix output there. Or indeed put a dedicated delay-unit between the alt-output and the speakers. LA Audio has a handy headphone delay box. Don’t like the idea of having to switch layers just to get to the monitor volume control.
    Thanks Andreas, don’t know what I was thinking- that connecting the DLink would somehow affect the console’s physical outputs? Foolish me…

    Profile photo of StonepianoStonepiano

    Oops- like said, not behind the desk, totally forgot that the matrix-fader is on the top input layer…that does it. Going to use a group out for sending material to video crews.
    Thanks guys.

    P.S. Andreas, how about the update; is there a risk of having a ghost in the machine, not updating from a Qu-formatted USB-stick? The desk seemed to behave correctly, and installed the “AHQU”-folder on the stick.


    Profile photo of StonepianoStonepiano

    I now realised that I can assign the matrix to ALT- and satisfy my obsession of having the volume control there.

    Profile photo of AndreasAndreas

    Can’t imagine that if the update succeeded in first place, something odd may hide somewhere just because the stick wasn’t freshly formatted.

    Profile photo of MarkPAmanMarkPAman

    “Can’t imagine that if the update succeeded in first place, something odd may hide somewhere just because the stick wasn’t freshly formatted.”

    Me too. Then again, doing it “properly” will only take a few minutes & provide piece of mind.

    Profile photo of StonepianoStonepiano

    Think I will run the update again, because the aforementioned stick has never been formatted for Qu. “Something odd” is hiding in the back of my mind…

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