Qu pad app addition change soft keys

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  • #41731
    Profile photo of LKYLKY


    Like look at this…https://youtu.be/1kaPNjQz5pY

    Change soft keys…

    Place a few buttons to recall the preset that change the soft keys on the meter screen under the overview tab

    Profile photo of Nicola A&HNicola A&H

    Not exactly what you are asking for but you can use Scenes to change SoftKey assignments. Create a few Scenes with the different assignments, and make sure you block all parameters & settings in these Scenes’ Recall Filters except the SoftKeys. You can now recall different sets of SoftKeys without affecting the rest of the mixer.

    Hope this helps.

    Profile photo of LKYLKY

    That works,

    But having a quick key in the qupad app to do that…

    Under setup in qupad app can pick preset to recall via the key on the page…

    Shouldn’t be a huge effort to add, and then can easily change the soft keys as needed…really helpful on the qu16 I’d think…

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