Hi. Unusual issue. I cohost a moderately popular podcast which is recorded with remote guests using either “Tryca” which runs under Google Chrome or “RINGR” which runs as an app or again through Google Chrome.
Chrome can see my microphone when it runs through MOTU M2 to the Mac but it can’t see the QU-PAC. The Mac operating system recognises the QU Pac as audio in, and I can record happily in garage band.
I would like to use the Qu Pac rather than the MOTU because I can then apply some equalization before the sound ever hits the mac. Once the sound goes into the Chrome recording I lose all control. The recorded audio is uploaded by the “Tryca” server from the local machine and then mixed through the “Tryca” studio where the only effect available is some compression.
Obviously it appears to be a Chrome issue as all the rest of the Mac software can see the Qupac but I was just wondering if anyone had a clue as to why Chrome can see one USB interface (MOTU) but not another (QUPac). I should add that the two interfaces are connected to different macs but they are both running the same operating system version and the same version of Chrome.
David Leitch (Sydney)