Qu-Pac freezing up

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  • #94138
    Profile photo of psikespsikes

    Hello all, this is my first problem with my Qu-Pac after almost 2 years of ownership. It has suddenly (in the last 2 days) started freezing up on me. No buttons work at all and all I can do is a hard power down. I performed a hard reset today that I thought had fixed it but it just happened again. It is mounted in a rack case with plenty of ventilation, in fact it is much cooler ambient air here in Washington State than Florida ever thought about. I am seeing nothing consistent to think of. It has frozen on the Home screen as well as the processing screen. It just happened again on the Channel screen with St, FX, Grp screen displaying. Qu=You almost seems to work in that I can select different channels but nothing on the screen changes. I have three audio files on the thumb drive and can see them from the iPad however they will not play.

    I do not think it is the problem but I am going to disconnect the router and see if this continues. Any other suggestions?

    Thanks, Phil

    Profile photo of psikespsikes

    little more info.I tried disconnecting the router as well as the USB B cable going to my Mac Mini. No other input connections are in place and only two hookups for monitors. I tried playing a .wav file and it played just fine, however, it froze in the middle of the song. The song continued playing but none of the controls worked at all. I am thinking that with all external connections removed it must be an internal failure. Anything else I should attempt before trying to find someone near Seattle for repair?


    Profile photo of Mike CMike C

    I had that happen one time a few years ago with my QU Pac, it had been on
    for about 10 hours at an outdoor show.
    Control from the the iPads was working fine, shutting down at the end of the day
    is when I noticed it.

    Have you tried a hard reset and a firmware re-load?

    Profile photo of psikespsikes

    I did the hard reset yesterday and it did not help. It was locking up so quickly that I could not get the firmware reloaded. This morning I finally got the firmware reloaded and after 1.5 hours it is still working properly. Hopefully this will keep things working.


    Profile photo of Mike CMike C

    Let us know how it keeps working.

    Did you still have control with an iPad when the surface was locked?

    Profile photo of psikespsikes

    The Qu-Pac worked great all day after the firmware reload. I did a few shut downs just to make sure. No hiccups at all today. Everything played nicely with the Mac mini and Reaper. The one time I had the Qu-You app running I could still select items from it. Once when it was locked up I attempted to connect the iPad and it could not connect. With it already connected I did have some control. I am just extremely happy to have it back online as I am mixing down some music from a gig when I was still living in Florida.

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