Qu-Drive Multitrack Recording with cuts

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  • #38299
    Profile photo of Ermep01Ermep01

    Hi Prodigio,

    My serial: QU-16 003935
    (Tried to edit my previous post, but I could not find the edit-button)

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Ermep01, my serial is instead QU-16 003922…
    mmmm…. something tells me that there is a production problem in Allen & Heath… bugs or processor problems…


    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Today I sent my Qu-16 workstation to distributor… I think I have news (hopefully) within the next week..
    Please, inform me about what you are doing with your Qu-16… I’m referring to all those who have the same problem my.
    Don’t stay doing nothing, wake up!


    Profile photo of Anonymous

    It would be helpful if maybe more people who have tested recording 16 or 18 tracks could post their results to get this issue resolved.

    So please test:
    Recording 16-18 tracks for at least 60 minutes or more without dropouts on latest firmware, with a harddrive or pendrive formatted through the QU-16.

    Please post what model hard drive was used for the test, and also post the serialnumber of your QU-16.

    The direct to USB recording feature is one of the major selling point of this device, and in my opinion should be rock solid. At this point it seems it is not, and I am holding out on buying for now.

    kind regards

    Profile photo of mamericamamerica

    I don’t think this is a common problem. That might be the reason you haven’t heard too much about it.

    I’ve recorded for several hours at different shows without an issue.

    Could it be a power problem? Spikes in the AC supply? I always use a Voltage regulator / Power Conditioner.

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    I just used voltage regulator proel st-1500 but i’ve still problems

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Hello to all,
    I have been informed by a buyer on facebook that the problem is well known to Allen & Heath and that it’s a firmware problem that they are trying to solve in a short time. Two cases were identified in Italy. It seems that in 2 weeks should issue a new firmware 1.4 for the whole Qu-series. In the meantime, the company recommends using only mains powered hard disks with at least 7200rpm speed. I hope this information that I have received are correct. None of you I have yet to date on what you are doing on the merits of the issue…


    Profile photo of Anonymous

    I been in touch with tech support and can also say they are aware of it and working on the fix

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    I waited for news from technical support as many as 3 days ago, but I was not called. They promised me a contact to update me … but nothing to do. I begin to be irritated by the lack of information. Frankly, the service network of Allen & Heath is disappointing to me, I was expecting more clarity and competence. I’m already thinking of selling my mixer Qu-16 due to a lack of reliability …

    Profile photo of robbocurryrobbocurry

    No problems here with my qu24 (001390 – latest firmware) and WD Elements 500gb. I’ve recorded 3 shows, no dropouts. I think problems may be mains power related….

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    If the power supply of the mixer was so sensitive and delicate, I have a reason to sell this instrument that costs 2000 Euros and does not guarantee stability. Anyway I have always used a voltage stabilizer… Even today I am having news from the technical support, it’s incredible!

    Profile photo of robbocurryrobbocurry

    In retrospect, power may not be the issue. My QU has a 120-230v variable power supply so undervoltage shouldn’t be an issue. You have a power filter so that should take care of the spikes too……
    I’m sure you’ve probably updated the HDD firmware, I suppose you’ve tried a different USB lead and/or a different HDD just in case?

    Profile photo of robbocurryrobbocurry

    Hi Prodigio,
    Just read back and I see you’ve tried multiple drives and firmware, I feel your pain! Nothing as frustrating as something not working as expected. I hope A&H get you sorted soon:)

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Exactly robbocurry, I used firmware and different drives, voltage stabilizer, formatting directly from the mixer and updates several hard disks .. no success! No news from assistance!

    Profile photo of robbocurryrobbocurry

    That’s not good:(
    Have you contacted A&H in England directly? Product quality and customer support is one of the reasons why I bought an A&H desk rather than any other brand. The other main reason was the QU drive……
    I know they’re not officially approved, but did you ever try a fast USB pen/stick for recording? In the webcast for the QU24 a few weeks back, that’s what the guy used. I’m going to give it a go to see how it works, just out of curiosity.

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