Hi all, we just got a new Qu-32 soundboard and have been enjoying it. However we have random bouts where the touch screen flips upside down and backwards, yet the touch positions remain the same. The first time we just turned it on and off several times until it fixed itself but we’ve been having the problems repeatly. If there was some fix to it or at least a remedy so as to be able to fix it before shows that would be amazing.
Well unfourtently we are going through the heavy part of our show season so we’ll just have to soldier on until we have enough time to setup our old systems and take this new one out to hopefully have it fixed. Was just wondering if there was an easy remedy to it, but if no one knows one then oh well.
If you are near a dealer then I’d ask for a preemptive swapout from stock. they should be able to do that off the back of a video showing the issue pretty easily…