Qu-16 bug?

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  • #48274
    Profile photo of airickessairickess

    [XAP]Bob, based on the other posts in this and other threads, I’m beginning to suspect that it might indeed have something to do with linked faders. That seems to be the common denominator in the cases.

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Hard reset on power up. sorry 30 year old terminology.
    And from memory when i caught my QU in the studio doing this problem I saw the faders rising. They went up slowly.
    Im pretty sure they were not linked at that time.

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    There is a similar Qu24 thread as well – also mentioned linked faders more than once.

    On my Gig then *either* I caught the master fader on the iPad when I was putting the second iPad away, *or* the master fader dropped of its own accord.

    I’d be surprised if I had managed to lower the master fader on the iPad accidentally, but I still consider it more likely than the alternative.

    Profile photo of MarkPAmanMarkPAman

    Two linked faders. Desk is constantly monitoring their position. At some point, due to vibration (or temperature change?) one of these faders crosses a threshold point, meaning that the other one must make a very tiny movement to match it. But this second fader moves just a tad too far, triggering the first one to now have to move as well. This too, moves too far. In this way, they follow each other all the way down.

    If this is the case, I would expect to see it with Mix/FX masters when selected in the top layer, as again, two faders are trying to match each other.

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    That was my pet theory when I mentioned the linked fader correlation.

    If so it should be an easy enough software fix.


    Hi all,

    We’re aware of this issue and we’re currently working hard on finding a fix.

    We will post any progress/news relating to this issue in this thread.

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Do you understand *why* it’s happening yet?

    Profile photo of airickessairickess

    Mark, I’m not sure the theory is correct, based on my experience with this issue. I was indoors in a closed booth with the temperature consistent. The mixer was on its own table (no one and no other gear save for a laptop on the table) and no one was walking around the booth to create any vibrations of any sort. I wasn’t even touching the table or the mixer at the time. The console was just sitting there and there was only one channel with audio activity happening at that moment.
    The faders did not creep down, but rather they slammed down very quickly as though I had changed layers. They did not restore themselves either.
    I’m glad A&H are aware of this and are working towards a solution. I find the interesting part of this particular scenario is that the bug was found primarily due to the layer layout of the Qu 16. Because the stereo busses are on the second layer and basically inaccessible for crossfades, when an operator needs to bring up a mic at the same time as fading down playback it has made users link faders on the top layer to patch in there stereo inputs and have access to the faders without changing layers. If the stereo busses were on the top fader I doubt this issue would have been discovered as quickly as it has been.
    Has anyone out there had this issue on a custom layer? If not, then I’m going to create a basic custom layer template for my small corporate gigs, putting the stereo inputs on one fader, thus eliminating linked faders, to see if it is a work-around for this issue.

    Profile photo of Nicola A&HNicola A&H

    We have just released V1.73, which fixes some rare cases where faders (typically linked faders) could move unexpectedly.

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Excellent news – is there an easy way to describe the cause?

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