QU-16 as automation source issue?

Forums Forums Qu Forums Qu DAW integration QU-16 as automation source issue?

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  • #63718
    Profile photo of TimBo55TimBo55

    Hi All, N00b here…

    Have started sorting out how to use my QU-16 as an adjunct to Logic X (v 10.3.1) and getting it to work, bit by bit, the way i need. Have been experimenting in using faders via USB DAW Control to create automation in audio tracks (and, i guess other tracks, too.) The issue is, if i use a QU fader to create, say, volume automation, all seems fine, but when i look at the data, it seems to create very jagged data, and on replay there is a lot of judder on the fader during playback. Trying to see if there is a way to reduce/thin/smooth the data that is sent to the DAW, or, smooth the data once written to the track.

    (Have appended a screenshot of a region which shows what SHOULD be smooth automation data for your delectation and delight!)

    You can do this sort of thing in Final Cut, and Motion, but I can’t see a way of doing this with Logic. Anybody encountered this? Know of a solution, or workaround?

    Any assistance, gratefully received!

    Thanks in advance,


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    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Hi TimBo55 [Timbo]
    Thanks for screen shot. Mac or PC?
    That’s a lot of little points.
    I do not use or know Logic X
    However I do use automation with Reaper and with-in Reaper you can choose [from memory] the amount of points.
    Can you… not see if Logic X can do this within its settings or preferences

    Profile photo of TimBo55TimBo55

    Well, Logic is Mac only, so yes. I have googled, but can’t find a reference to that kind of editing facility. One CAN go to the automation data editor and do it manually, but that would mean editing WAAAAY to many points!

    I’m guessing that this is not going to work, unless someone knows better. Will continue my search… thanks for replying, anyway.

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