Besides, I don’t think it’s an accident,that the eq and some other processing functions have a black background. I’m thinking daylight-viewability also.
What I’m after is to be able to create an empty scene anywhere in a sequence of scenes. I could then copy/paste another scene there, and use it as a sort of template.
What I’m after here, is to be able to create an empty scene anywhere in a sequence of multiple scenes,then maybe copy/paste an existing scene in there,and use it as a sort of template that would have all my inputs and routing etc. Not possible?
This community-site does not work very good on an iPad. How do you delete a posting? The previous was meant for another discussion… sometimes I log in, but can’t post, because “you have to log in”. Makes you look dumb.
The site is all messed up, my posts end up in wrong places. Signing off for now…
I used to feel the same way until I learned how to make it work like it works, not how I thought it should work. But there are a couple things I’m still trying to understand…