Presets and Libraries

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  • #89934
    Profile photo of JosephJoseph


    is there any way I can load custom presets/libraries into SQ desk?
    I know there are few default presets/libraries are available like vocal male/female, instruments, compressors etc…
    any option to load external presets/libraries?

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    with SQ MixPad? or USB?

    Profile photo of KeithJ A&HKeithJ A&H

    Hi Joseph,

    The ‘language’ that SQ uses means that the format of the presets it uses are for the SQ and only the SQ. It would not be possible to import an EQ setting you have saved with a DAW for example.
    You can store and recall user presets with the SQ anywhere you see a library however, and these can be stored individually to a USB device.


    Profile photo of JosephJoseph

    Hi Keith,
    Yes, here my context is within SQ.
    Example if anyone configures user presets in his SQ mixer, is it possible to copy those and use it in my SQ7?

    Profile photo of KeithJ A&HKeithJ A&H

    Hi @Joseph,

    Any library preset can be stored to a USB device as shown in the reference guide (
    This will store libraries to the device in the AHSQ\LIBRARY folder, so if you access this on a computer, the library file can be copied and shared.
    Anybody receiving the file just needs to put it back into this folder to be accessed by the SQ.


    Profile photo of JosephJoseph

    Thanks a lot Kieth for your quick answer.

    Profile photo of JosephJoseph

    Sorry one more query..
    All these user presets can be portable across all A&H digital boards?
    Example Can I use dLive/Avantis presets in SQ?

    Profile photo of KeithJ A&HKeithJ A&H

    Hi @joseph,

    Although these all use an XCVI core, and so the audio processing that’s available for all three of them is the same, the control/operating system is different so scenes/shows/libraries are also different.
    This unfortunately means it is not possible to share settings between systems.


    Profile photo of JosephJoseph

    Thanks Kieth.

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