Pre/post selection per channel query for A&H team!

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  • #116933
    Profile photo of DannyAkoDannyAko

    There is a feature request currently for this – to be able to select pre/post per channel on each output but wanted to shoot a question directly at the team as I’d love to know if this is a potential feature update?

    Just knowing it should come in the future will be enough for me to have the patience to hang on to the unit, however if it’s something that’s not coming I’d like to know ASAP as it’s pretty integral to the way I mix shows.

    I admit oversight in not researching this thoroughly before purchasing the unit, I simply believed the Allen and heath brand would ensure I’d have enough mixing flexibility, over the last few weeks I’ve come to realise this is kinda aimed at a more approachable beginners market but hoping this doesn’t restrict some key feature updates in the future.

    With regards to pre and post mixing an example here is I’m mixing my bands show from the stage, behind the PA with us all on in ears. The singer and guitar player and I tend to leave those channels in post fade so I get a reference for FOH. We have room mics and talkback mics that don’t make the mix for FOH for obvious reasons, but need that in the ears, in the current post fade setting is not possible.

    There’s a hundred other scenarios here as examples for other performers and engineers.

    Would love to hear from the team before I make a decision on keeping or selling the unit to upgrade to something with a more pro feature set.

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