OK, 42 mix buses sounds great but when you go stereo mix sends and stereo matrices and fx and delays and subs and outfills you run out really fast. I have 1 spare aux left and 1 matrix left. We are only using 50 inputs so I don’t need a dLive. I’m not asking for more buses or more inputs. But right now the only way to get your main LR mix to a matrix is post eq. WHY? Most MTRX go to a cry room, an overflow room, a record bus, an outfil, a delay fill etc. All of these require DIFFERENT EQ than the main house LR. YES you CAN send a NON EQ-LR MIX to an additional MTX and use that as the actual LR. But that burns up an additional stereo matrix. I would love to see a PRE/POST EQ option for the LR send to the Matrix. We have that option for inputs to auxes and input direct to to matrix but why not the main LR? I dont want to burn my last matrix on this.