Possible Vulnerability

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  • #84714
    Profile photo of FrankFrank

    I noticed that if you point a Web browser at the Mixrack’s IP address the Mixrack serves you a page with fields prompting you to supply a file for a firmware update. It seems to me that this should be behind some sort of authentication, such as a password. Perhaps it is, or it doesn’t matter, but I was scared to explore further for fear of breaking the system. I know these systems are not intended to be connected to the Internet, but they do get put on LANs that use Wi-Fi access points. It would seem prudent to have another layer of authentication beyond the Wi-Fi password to prevent anyone with a browser from causing mayhem.


    Profile photo of UnderscoreUnderscore

    Not a cure all answer, but you could hide your WIFI so the SSID isn’t openly broadcast.
    At least it is an attempt to slow down ‘wana-be’ hackers that may be “curious”…. yet still allow system access to those that require it.

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