Is it possible to playback MP3 tracks from a USB stick that is plugged in to the USB drive on the top? I put around 3 or 4gb of MP3 songs on the same stick that I have my scenes backed upto, but, it just seems to say “Reading disk” and never actually completes this process.
Would save me plugging an MP3 player or my HTC in to the ST3 channel.
I can save and recall scenes from the USB stick without any problems.
I have managed to gain playback from a USB pen drive, but cannot seem to find out where the source is going to to be able to listen? I plugged some headphones in, but don’t hear anything. Even plugged them in to the Alt L&R Output.
Hey Lee it’s ST3 input and hit the USB button (to select USB as the source) above the preamp gain button, then you’ll hear it I think – I’m new to the QU too;)
Btw, make sure your QU drive is selected as the global USB source too. That’s the default setting out of the box afaik:)