Phase coherency / Signal Flow

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  • #110623

    I am mixing inputs to groups, to a matrix, then pulling that matrix back into an extra input channel to feed Main LR and broadcast.

    With this signal flow am I maintaining phase coherency? or by pulling the matrix back into an input am I messing that up?

    Heres what an article Says: “With dLive, SQ and Avantis, no matter which path you take internally,
    input to mix, input to group to mix, input to matrix, etc., all mix outputs are phase aligned.
    This approach contributes to their open and accurate sound.”

    Essentially what I am doing is trying to mix 3 choir parts into individual compressors, then those three parts as a whole into another compressor.

    I think I may have found that mixing IP>Aux>Group>Main might be a better alternative.

    Also is there any sort of signal flow diagram for the Dlive? Thanks!

    Profile photo of ScottScott

    Going back to the IP channel will cause it to be out of aliment. You can find a block diagram in the v1.9 reference here: on page 139.

    Profile photo of ScottScott

    I knew there was another chart and it took me a little time to find it, but it is located in this document: on page 3, at the bottom “Mix coherency in dLive regardless of internal path or channel processing“. This chart shows the different signal paths you can take while remaining phase coherent.

    Profile photo of ChrisChris

    Could you not go IP>Group>Main?

    Based on the info you gave, I am not sure why all the funky routing. You said 3 parts. Are you talking about more than 3 mics?


    My question was answered, for now I am going to accept that the signal will not be phase aligned with the rest of the band with the way I have it set up. I don’t see that as a huge issue as the choir is 50′ away from the band and using 24 individual dynamic mic’s, one per singer.

    The reason for the funky routing is because there are 8 singers per vocal part: Soprano, Tenor, Alto. I want individual compression per vocal group, then I want to glue those 3 sections together with another compressor. At this point we are at: 24 IPs>3 Groups>1 Matrix then pulling matrix back into an extra IP slot to route to Main and a separate broadcast mix.

    Profile photo of ScottScott

    You could still go: 24 IPs > 3 Groups > 1 Aux > 1 Matrix and be fully phase coherent. You could even use 2 Matrix mixes 1 for FOH, and the other for Broadcast.

    Profile photo of BrianBrian

    You could still go: 24 IPs > 3 Groups > 1 Aux > 1 Matrix and be fully phase coherent. You could even use 2 Matrix mixes 1 for FOH, and the other for Broadcast.

    I like that routing better for singing/vocal mics anyway (24 IPs -> 3 Groups -> Aux-Singer Mix -> Main Speaker Matrix). Then you can have your band go IPS -> Groups -> Aux-Band Mix -> Main Speaker Matrix & Sub Matrix. This way your vocal/singing mics aren’t running through your subs so any explosives are generally pretty mild.

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