Personal Mixes with the Qu-App

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    Profile photo of gravyfacegravyface

    I’m about to pull the trigger on the Qu-24.

    Will be a hybrid desk for rehearsal, shows, and recording for our 4-piece.

    What I’d like to do is setup stereo output pairs for each member to the 4-channel headphone amp I’m using, but allow them to personalize the mix via the Qu-App only vs. investing in the ME series of personal mixers.

    Is this feasible? I was thinking if I had enough physical faders left, I could route the source channels (i.e. 1-10 for the drum mics through to the guitars and bass DI) to the latter physical faders and then assign control to those dedicated “personal” faders to various members, but I’d probably run out of faders.

    I’m at the point where if I have to get personal mixers, I’ll probably go the Behringer X32 route, because the P16s are a fraction of the cost of the ME series and have had great reviews with sources I trust.

    I’d love it if there was such a thing as “virtual faders” that are available on the Qu-App only.

    Very likely missing something as I’m very new to digital mixers, so please, straighten me out. 🙂

    Profile photo of AndreasAndreas

    You have as many faders as you have inputs (plus FX returns) per mix. On the Qu you have four mono and three stereo mixes. So you probably want to convince one of your musicians that a mono mix should be enough. Otherwise he’ll need to fiddle with two mono mixes.
    In any case each mix has an individual set of “virtual” faders.

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    I do this for a 7 piece with a QU16….

    Obviously four of my musicians have mono mixes.

    The 24 has groups, which in the latest firmware can be set as stereo mixes IIRC, not sure if QuYou would then see them – but that might be the way to get a fourth stereo mix.

    Profile photo of MarkPAmanMarkPAman

    You can download Qu-You (free) and “play” with it in demo mode to get a feel for how your musicians will be able to use it.

    Probably a better plan than trying to explain it!

    Profile photo of gravyfacegravyface

    Ok, just so I’m clear: the Qu-24 has 4 mono mixes and 3 stereo mixes available “internally”, which are routed physically to the XLR outs 1-4 (mono) and 5/6, 7/8, 9/10 (stereo pairs).

    I’m cool with mono mixes if that’s what I’m limited to; not a dealbreaker.

    My plan is to physically connect XLR Out 1 to headphone amp 1, XLR Out 2, to headphone amp 2, and so on, for four artist mono mixes.

    Via the Qu-You app, can I control what source channels route to those mono mixes 1 through 4? I think these “internal” mixes are called Qu-Mix 1 through 10.

    For example, say drums are on channels 1-8, bass di 9, guitars 10 and 11, vox 12 and 13. Now let’s say I’ve grouped all the drums to group 1 or a DCA (not sure what I’d use at this point) for convenience.

    Can artist #1 (which corresponds to Mix 1 and Mix Output 1/Headphone channel 1), plug in their cans into headphone amp #1, open up Qu-You, select Grp 1, Ch9, Ch10, Ch11, Ch12, and Ch13 as sources to their mix, and then have those sources show up as individual “faders” (large scroll-wheels, actually) in their iPhone?

    Profile photo of cornelius78cornelius78

    Ok, just so I’m clear: the Qu-24 has 4 mono mixes and 3 stereo mixes available “internally”, which are routed physically to the XLR outs 1-4 (mono) and 5/6, 7/8, 9/10 (stereo pairs).

    Yes. As [XAP]Bob said, it also has 2x stereo groups, which also have their own XLR outputs. If you don’t need to use them as subgroups, firmware v1.8 and above allows these groups to be un-assigned from LR and be used as stereo mixes (just like mix1-10) which would be suitable for monitors. This means you could have a total of 4x mono and 5x stereo monitor mixes. I don’t think the Qu-you app sees them as available mixes though (at least not in demo mode, they might show up if connected to the console: I don’t have one in front of me atm.)

    Via the Qu-You app, can I control what source channels route to those mono mixes 1 through 4? I think these “internal” mixes are called Qu-Mix 1 through 10.

    The routing of channels to the mix is taken care of on the Qu console. The “routing” in the qu-app determines which channels show up in the app for the qu-app user to adjust. The console can have all 39 inputs (including stereo ins, fx returns and TB) routed to mix1, but the qu-you user can choose which ones he actually wants (or doesn’t want) to show up in the app for easy adjustment. One qu-you-user might want all the drum channels to show up. Another might only want k+s. Another might want all the vox and all the FX returns. Another might just want dry vox. This can be configured on a per-device basis.

    Now let’s say I’ve grouped all the drums to group 1 or a DCA (not sure what I’d use at this point) for convenience.

    I wouldn’t subgroup the drums on the console and then send the group to the monitors, as FOH changes will affect the monitor sound, and this would get annoying for the band. If you only need level control of a bunch of channels in FOH (eg make all the drums louder) use a DCA. If you want to insert processing across all the drums (eg compress the drums, or add reverb to the drums) then you’ll need a group. In terms of “grouping” the drums for monitors, read on.

    Can artist #1 (which corresponds to Mix 1 and Mix Output 1/Headphone channel 1), plug in their cans into headphone amp #1, open up Qu-You, select Grp 1, Ch9, Ch10, Ch11, Ch12, and Ch13 as sources to their mix, and then have those sources show up as individual “faders” (large scroll-wheels, actually) in their iPhone?

    To an extent. You only get 4x wheels in the Qu-You app. You can however assign multiple channels to the one wheel, then double tap that wheel to see all the channel faders assigned to it (8 on the page if you hold the phone landscape.) Unfortunately in this view you don’t see the mix’s master fader: you need to back out to the main “wheel view” for that.

    You can assign ch1-8 to wheel1 and call it “drums.” This effectively “groups” the drums in the app and avoids the problem of subgrouping them as detailed above. You can assign ch9 to wheel2 and call it “bass.” You can assign ch10-11 to wheel3 and call it “gtrs.” You can assign ch12-13 to wheel4 and call it “vox.” If you want to adjust the overall level of the drums in the monitor you can just use wheel1. If you want a bit more snare you need to double-tap wheel1, which will then bring up individual faders for ch1-8, and you can adjust the snare fader. You can then go back to the “wheel view.” Same sort of concept for gtrs and vox.

    Although this layout is nice in terms of channel numbers and grouping similar inputs, I’d find it annoying to work with: wanting more of gtr1, less bass, and more of vox 2 involves too many taps IMO. Personally I’d configure wheel1 with kick, snare, hats, bass, gtr1, gtr2, vox1, vox2. I’d put the other drums on wheel2, and spend most of my time with wheel1 expanded and faders for the above 8x channels accessible most of the time, occasionally going back to wheel2 if i needed more toms or overheads. Different Qu-app users can set up their wheels in whatever configuration suits them.


    Profile photo of gravyfacegravyface

    Really helpful, thank you!

    Profile photo of EmEm

    so the 1.81 Qu-apps work with the latest firmware update 1.82?
    BTW I couldn’t find the Qu-You app in Apple store for ipad. Even searched under Allen & Heath but only Qu-Pad showed up….It’s still there? Where?

    Profile photo of cornelius78cornelius78

    so the 1.81 Qu-apps work with the latest firmware update 1.82?

    According to the release notes as long as both are 1.8x then it should be fine.

    The Qu-You app is iphone exclusive, but can be installed on the ipad if when searching the app store for “allen and heath” you change one of the filters from “ipad only” to “iphone only.”

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