Output Channel Names

Forums Forums CQ Forums CQ feature suggestions Output Channel Names

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  • #115160
    Profile photo of Alex aus RehauAlex aus Rehau

    With the latest App-Update you can name Output Channels also on the CQ-20B Unit – but under the “Mix Select Button” they are still named as OUT1 / OUT2 etc… and not the given Channel Names of the Output Secition

    Profile photo of Lee7Lee7

    Maybe there isn’t enough room to add names in that section.

    Profile photo of ShakesShakes

    Although the Mixpad App was updated to allow the naming of outputs, this doesn’t seem to be reflected in the “Mix Select” area on the R/H side of the screen. This I imagine, would be the main mix select option in a live scenario so would’ve thought names here were most important. It does show the mix name once selected but you may have already selected the wrong output.

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    Profile photo of Juha HartikainenJuha Hartikainen

    Slightly related: setting says that it is possible to change name and color, but it actually only allows changing name (for outputs).

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