Noise on virtual soundcheck

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  • #125650
    Profile photo of perageperage


    I often experience noise/distortion on record send for virtual soundcheck over DanteVS. I’ve verified that the distortion happens on the recording via standard system output on the mac

    I think this is a quite common issue if the settings are wrong somewhere, I just don’t know where..

    Has anyone had the same issue and can point me in the right direction? Latency, clock, sample rate etc?

    Profile photo of msteelmsteel

    Check your clock first.

    dLive defaults to internal clock; by default the Dante network will choose one of its devices to be the clock leader. This means that unless you set it otherwise, the dLive and the Dante card will not be using the same clock.

    The simplest thing to do is to check “sync to external” for the Dante card in Dante Controller. This will set the Dante card to follow the dLive. The Dante network will observe this and choose it as the leader clock for the Dante network.

    If for some reason you need another Dante device to be the clock leader, you must set the dLive to clock from the I/O port where the Dante card is installed.

    Profile photo of Nicola A&HNicola A&H

    Good advice above. Can you share a short audio clip of the distortion?

    From experience (and by no means an exhaustive guide):
    – Clicks and pops – likely sync settings / bad clock.
    – Audio distortion – check levels not too hot e.g. a Direct Out gain (or input trim in your DAW) could drive signals to 0dBFS.
    – Digital ‘metallic’ distortion – typically buffer size or ASIO / Core Audio related.
    – Skips and jumps in the recording – likely hard drive related, try different computers, SSDs and DAWs (some are less resource hungry than others).

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