next scene

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  • #37831
    Profile photo of jet1968jet1968

    In the toolbar, it shows ‘current’ scene with number and name, then to the right it shows ‘next’ with the same number and name. Surely the next scene should be one number higher with the correct scene name. I would find this confusing if I were doing a theatre show and needed to know which scene was up next!

    Profile photo of John-SJohn-S

    I have asked about a similar issue for more than a year on my GLD80 but have not received an answer as to why it is bass ackwards. I asked for someone to explain what the English logic is but so far no takers. Yamaha has it right. Auto increment will only work within narrow circumstances. You are in trouble if you scroll to a scene or use the previous key. Auto increment then becomes useless. Good luck.


    Profile photo of GCumbeeGCumbee

    While I agree for the most part. It is a little different than what they did on QU , I think. My big thing is I think the active scene should be highlighted. Not the next one. Let me see what I am on. Never understood that one.

    Profile photo of jet1968jet1968

    I may have to keep my 01v96 for the next theatre show, I had 30 scenes to go through the last time, can’t see me trying that with the qu-16, too clunky! I appreciate you can assign the soft keys to auto increment but I need to see what’s coming up next in a fast scene change, no time to switch to scene view and use the touchscreen

    Profile photo of John-SJohn-S

    The scene fades and auto increment logic on the yamahas are so spot on. With my 170 scene shows I cannot afford to be on the wrong scenes as can happen with the AH boards. I am stuck with 340 button pushes per show with my GLD80.


    Profile photo of mervakamervaka

    I thought the next scene just showed the current selection in the scene list?

    Profile photo of jet1968jet1968

    Yes but whats the point of having 2 scene names the same next to each other in the toolbar? It should be name of current scene (left) followed by name of next scene (right)
    There’s even room in the toolbar to show previous scene !

    Profile photo of GR-PDXGR-PDX

    Mervaka, that kinda defeats the purpose of the adjective in the label “next scene.” 😉

    Profile photo of mervakamervaka

    It makes perfect sense to me. Current scene is the scene you last recalled, next scene is the scene you have selected to recall next. This works flawlessly on auto increment.

    Are you saying next scene should always be current scene +1? I’m not sure what you guys are describing.

    Profile photo of GCumbeeGCumbee

    I would like to see the active scene highlighted. Not the next one.

    Profile photo of GR-PDXGR-PDX

    To me, having the current scene highlighted, then having the next scene in the “next scene” area makes sense. You know where you are now, and what is coming up.

    Profile photo of jet1968jet1968

    and while we’re on the subject, at power up current scene is BLANK and next scene goes all the way back to scene 01 – why not the last scene you were working on??

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