Multiple surfaces with MIDI TCP/IP

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  • #90206
    Profile photo of MattatooiMattatooi

    Hi, is it possible to connect multiple surfaces to 1x laptop to send MIDI over TCP/IP from laptop to the multiple consoles on one ethernet port via a switch ?

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    it is possible to connect multiple surfaces via GigaACE, but you will need an extra card for every surface

    Profile photo of MattatooiMattatooi

    Specific setup is, 1x dLive with cdm48 and 1x Avantis using the gigace card.

    My question is regards to sending MIDI to both consoles from 1 laptop with TCP/IP. Is this possible and if so how? Because in the DAW control software you have to assign IP of the desk, and I am not sure how I could have 2 consoles on the same network with same IP addresses.

    So I am thinking this is not possible, but I am unsure. I want to send MIDI commands to both consoles from a laptop on stage.

    Profile photo of MJCElectronicsMJCElectronics

    If you actually have multiple consoles (ie multiple mixracks with or without surfaces) and they’re plugged into the same network then yes you can talk to all from one laptop although I’m not quite sure how you’d selectively route the MIDI to each mixrack.
    If you’re in multi surface mode and have only 1 mixrack in the equation then you only have 1 console anyway so aim your MIDI at the mixrack and have at it.

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    use an ethernet switch to connect the control networks ports together
    use unique IP addresses in the same subnet and you can send MIDI to all devices in the same network

    how this is done defines your software U R using for the MIDI commands

    Profile photo of MattatooiMattatooi

    So in the DAW control application in the IP I need to put the IP of the switch? I have my doubts that will work. You have to use the DAW control app to talk to the desk. Do not have desks infront of me right now, but will at weekend.

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    if you are using DAW control app you will be limited to one System

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