Multiple stagebox

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    Profile photo of Anonymous


    I’m curently working on gld system containing one console (older model) and full stagebox pack (main + 2x expander) and thing that makes me angry about that system is puting two cat5 cables Just becouse of 8 aditional channels and still i have only 40 mics on a stage not full 48.

    I would be very happy to see an ability to connect multiple stagebox system via one cat 5 cable. What i propose is an ability to daisy-chain 24/12 boxes thru expander port to input on seckond box for more phisical inputs and outputs that would ocure on gld system. It would not mean that we would have acces more than 48ins to the system at one time but you would have ability to easly swap inputs from stage to console if needed.
    We are on small rock festival.
    On a stage we have 2 sets of backline each containing of

    Drums 14ch
    Bass 2ch
    Guitar 1 2ch
    Guitar 2 2ch
    Di inputs 4ch

    And 8 vox mics + 2 ch of laptop for plaing music from the stage
    In total you have 50ch on a stage connected at one time to the system containing of 3 24/12 snakes.
    That means we have 72 accesible inputs from mixer but we need to chose only 40 channel max to the mix.

    What do we gain? No need to swap tons of cables every time the sources changes on a stage every 30mins. When you have to do 12 bands in one day, after 4 bands technicians start to make mistakes repaching mics to snake. With old system every time when something changes on lets say channel 15 you have to change eq and etc. Now do that for 24channels! But if you have a system that i mencioned, every input in bank of accesible in’s remember its channel tweeks so between bands you have to only swap the channels that you used for different ones and you are almost ready to go.

    This feature as i supose is not a hardware change, but only a software update (correct me if i wrong) and this change would add more flexibility to the system that i love for the sound and workflow of the console that is very fast and intuitive
    Best regards
    Mateusz “Bieńko” Bieńkowski.

    Profile photo of Nicola A&HNicola A&H

    Hi Bienko,

    still i have only 40 mics on a stage not full 48

    I assume you are using 2x AR84 expanders. You can actually use an AB168 as your dSNAKE Expander, with an AR84 as the ‘mixer’ Expander this would give you the full 48 mic inputs on stage over 2x Cat5 cables, although ch 45-46 and 47-48 are fixed stereo.

    We are not planning to support multiple AR2412s on dSNAKE due to the architecture limitations of the protocol. However you can still invest in a spare AR2412 or AB168, plug in the extra microphones, and swap the Cat5 patch when changing set. As long as your gains, phantom power etc. are stored in Scenes you would be up and running with the other set in a few seconds.

    Hope this helps.

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