MultiBD Link setting broken?

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  • #85613
    Profile photo of woutersnoeiwoutersnoei

    Hi, I got the dynamics trio pack for my SQ-5, testing it, and I noticed with the MultiBD plugins that if I have ‘Link’ enabled and change the value in the number box (thresh or ratio) for a specific band it changes for all bands. This is nice, but the processing doesn’t seem to follow the changes; it only changes on the band that I selected. Can anyone replicate this behavior? And; I suppose it is a software bug, is this forum the right place to report those?

    Profile photo of KeithJ A&HKeithJ A&H

    Hi @woutersnoei,

    I’ve moved this to the troubleshooting section as it will be easier to find for other users.
    We do monitor the digital community closely, but you can also contact us using to report any issue.

    In this case, the link issue has been logged as a bug and will be fixed in the next firmware release.


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