Multi-Surface Configuration Questions

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  • #97888
    Profile photo of CollinsCochranCollinsCochran

    Hi all,

    I’m working on a DLive system install that will consist of two separate control rooms with two separate control surfaces, both tied to our DM0. I have a gigaACE card for our second surface (C3500) and have the first surface plugged into the frame. I’ve got it all setup and talking, now I’m just working through how to best setup the dual shows in a way that won’t conflict with each other, as well as ways I can get them the same/similar functionality

    I went through the “understanding multi-surface systems” document, but it still left me with some questions re: how to add in similar features to both rooms. Here is some info from the sound engineer that sums it up pretty well:

    Monitoring was the big issue. We’ve been using pafl 1 for monitoring on the primary surface because thats the one the IEM and Wedge faders are assigned to on the board in the first control room. It works really well cuz you can easily assign the IEM pafl to a fader and use it to dim your monitors. But trying to get two separate pafl busses that won’t interfere with each other is kind of a pain in the butt because you can make more pafl’s but if you use them for monitoring you can’t dim the monitors like you can with the built in IEM pafl via a channel strip. Maybe I’m just missing how to set that up here.

    We also couldn’t figure out if there was a way to make the boards mixes act independently from one another so I think we’re just going to have to designate half the I/O to each board and just tell everyone not to mess with the other half. Would be nice to have a main stereo out for each one just because it’s easier for routing and it’s good when you get a little turned around in the mix menus.

    In all, what would probably be most interesting to us, is what things you do outside of the basic scene lockouts that stop you from overwriting/recalling changes in the other surface, or how you best utilize the multi-surface setup.

    I’m the latest version 1.86.

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