Mono Matrix

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  • #43367
    Profile photo of AndyAndy

    My QU24 has 2 matrix sends. I’d like to be able to switch them to mono (I mean to choose a sum of left and right as input signal for the matrix), so I can feed for example a nearfill or a delayline with a mono signal. If I missed something, and this is already possible, please tell me 😉

    At the moment I use a post fade aux with all faders at 0 dB for this purpose.

    A bonus would be, if the delaytime of the left and right output of a matrix could be adjusted independently. Then we could use one stereo matrix (fed with a mono sum) for 2 delay lines.


    Profile photo of BLKGHOSTBLKGHOST

    it’s not common practice to a Matrix in mono. For delay line, you usually have a left and a right also. Why not use a 2 to 1 cable at the end?

    Profile photo of AndyAndy

    I don’t know, how common this is. I am used to use a mono matrix for nearfills or delays, when I work with the iLive, and I’d like to have this possibility with the QU as well.

    But the idea of a 2 to 1 cable is not bad. I used to do this (with resistors in the XLR plug) to generate an additional FX send from a stereo group. Analogue desks never had enough AUX sends 😉


    Profile photo of MarkPAmanMarkPAman

    For those who don’t know – be careful with 2 into 1 cables.

    Without the resistors Andy mentioned, they are not a good thing, as you’re driving one output into another. While a lot of equipment can cope with this, it can sometimes sound odd, or do damage.

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