Monitor outputs dropped mid show

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    Profile photo of Mark McFarlaneMark McFarlane

    I submitted a support ticket (#TLT-793-38278) for this issue last night, but wondered if anyone else had seen this problem, or possibly have some suggestions for potential user errors I should investigate.

    Problem & Setup: I was using my GLD112 (v1.3) tonight at a festival and lost all 5 aux monitor sends during one of the bands. The meters showed signal on all 5 auxes post-compressor but there was no signal post-fader. The faders for all 5 auxes were turned up (around -30). Aux faders were not muted. Aux faders were not on a DCA.

    Recalling the festival starting show file did not fix the problem. Rebooting the console and then recalling the festival starting show file fixed the problem.

      I am unaware of any possible user settings that could cause this problem, where a recall did not behave the same as a reboot/recall.

    What else could get changed in the reboot?

    Monitors were run connected to the AR2412. Only a single AR2412 was connected, no other external devices were connected to the GLD112 except an Apple Airport Extreme connected to the control network. Nothing was on the wireless network except an iPad running GLX Mix. The iPad was turned off (sleep mode) at the time the monitors went dead. Main speakers were working fine, only the monitors were affected. USB stick was in the GLD.

    Anyone else seen this?

    Profile photo of Chris93Chris93

    Did you confirm that there was no signal post fader from within the console or do you just mean nothing came out of the output sockets? The behaviour is exactly as if the master faders were assigned to a DCA that was turned down. I know you checked that, but maybe the error was DCA related, or maybe the fader itself was acting like it was turned down.

    Were you mixing monitors from FOH? If so, did the other mix buses keep working?


    Profile photo of Chris93Chris93

    Ah, you mentioned the mains kept working. Were you using any other auxes for anything except the monitors?


    Profile photo of Mark McFarlaneMark McFarlane

    Thanks Chris for the help.

    I used the touchscreen meters to look at the aux signals immediately before and after the fader. There was signal before the Aux1 through Aux5 faders, and no signal after the aux faders. he faders were ‘up enough’ for the show volume (-30 DBFS).

    I only had 4 DCAs setup, none of then are connected to Auxes except my ‘Master DCA’ which controls L,R,M, and an Aux for subs.

    Today I made a new fader layer and put all 16 DCAs on it and reconfirmed that none of the DCAs are connected to the monitor axes except my one ‘Master DCA’ fader which was not connected to Aux 1-5, only Aux6 which I use for subs. Actually, there were no subs at this gig so I can’t comment on whether Aux 6 was also dead.

    Again, recalling the show file didn’t fix the problem, but a reboot followed by the recall fixed the problem.

    Profile photo of Mark McFarlaneMark McFarlane

    To calrify, the subs were on Aux 6. Aux 1-5 were the ones that went dead.

    Profile photo of Chris93Chris93

    Do you know that aux 6 was working, even though you didn’t have any subs? If it was, lets see what’s different…

    Your sub aux would have been post fader, whereas your monitor auxes would have been pre fader.

    Obviously the monitor auxes were patched to output sockets. Given that you weren’t using subs, did you have aux 6 patched to an output socket?


    Profile photo of BILDICBILDIC

    Hi Mark,

    i had the same problem. I finding it:

    1. IP45/46 pressed button MIX, fader set to 0
    2. Aux1 fader set to 0, from Aux1 nothing signal
    3. Aux2 fader set to 0, signal OK, sound fine

    I test all, copy aux2 to aux1, … nothing.

    than i random pressed button MIX on aux1 and fader was on -40 (?), pressed button MIX on aux2 fader was on 0 (?). ??? I pressed again mix button on IP45/46 – fader on 0 and aux1 fader on 0, aux2 fader on 0. ???

    i play with button mix on input IP45 and mix button on Aux1,2. It is not the same ?

    then i control: mix button on aux1 to 0, fader on ip45/46 to 0. sound fine 🙂


    Profile photo of Mark McFarlaneMark McFarlane

    Chris, Aux 1-6 were all patched to sockets. Aux 1-5 were pre-fder, 6 was post fader as you suggested. However, since I didn’t bring subs I didn’t have anything being sent to the subs, so there was no signal present anywhere on Aux. Unfortunately, not any useful new diagnostic info here, but a nice try, thanks again. 🙁

    Profile photo of Mark McFarlaneMark McFarlane

    As a full disclosure, this was my first concert on my new GLD112, but I am not a newbie. I have over a decade working regularly on digital consoles.

    For fun, I’ve attached my show file which was saved at the time I noticed the monitors went dead, in case anyone wants to look at it.

    Profile photo of Mark McFarlaneMark McFarlane

    OK, I guess we can’t upload show files.

    Profile photo of Chris93Chris93
    Profile photo of Mark McFarlaneMark McFarlane

    Thanks Chris, the show file is there now:

    Nothing too fancy about the show, 6 auxes, 2 mono and 4 stereo busses, 0 matrixes, LR+C, some preset channel libraries.

    Profile photo of Mark McFarlaneMark McFarlane

    Note, the posted show file is for a GLD112. I have no idea what would happen if loaded to a GLD80. Maybe the Bank 1 faders are ignored, maybe it won’t load.

    Profile photo of Chris93Chris93

    Nothing looks like it should cause a problem, though I’m not liking the editor as much in 112 mode.

    I enjoyed the bass EQ =D.


    Profile photo of Mark McFarlaneMark McFarlane

    Yep, with no subs the EQ was a tad ‘bad’. The evidence that reloading the show file didn’t fix the problem, but rebooting and then reloading worked, points to either some ‘safe’ setting or a software/firmware problem.

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