Hey guys got a ?
This weekend the lead singer wanted something that I did not know how to do.
So we did a soundcheck and the lead has 3 monitors as he is far from the band
Mon 1 guitar
Mon 2 vocal – him lead 1
Mon 3 chorus keys and lead 2
Now foh was perfect however in mon 3 he wanted no fx on lead 2 but on chorus.
I was stuck how would you do this? You can’t adhst on fx page as if will affect foh all you have is fx fader for Mon or is their a way. In a perfect world no fx would be given to mon but he wants it.
On stage was
Yamaha 400k electronic drums
2 keyboards
4 chorus
2 leads
2 guitars
Mon 1/2/3 for lead
Mon 4 for lead 2
Mon 5 for chorus
And so on