Monitor fx level

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  • #55404
    Profile photo of deepsdeeps

    Hey guys got a ?
    This weekend the lead singer wanted something that I did not know how to do.
    So we did a soundcheck and the lead has 3 monitors as he is far from the band
    Mon 1 guitar
    Mon 2 vocal – him lead 1
    Mon 3 chorus keys and lead 2

    Now foh was perfect however in mon 3 he wanted no fx on lead 2 but on chorus.

    I was stuck how would you do this? You can’t adhst on fx page as if will affect foh all you have is fx fader for Mon or is their a way. In a perfect world no fx would be given to mon but he wants it.

    On stage was
    Yamaha 400k electronic drums
    2 keyboards
    4 chorus
    2 leads
    2 guitars

    Mon 1/2/3 for lead
    Mon 4 for lead 2
    Mon 5 for chorus
    And so on

    Profile photo of MarkPAmanMarkPAman

    And which effects engines are providing effects on each part? If Lead2 & Chorus are using different effects bus & engine then it’s easy to send differing amounts to each monitor. If they share the effect bus then obviously it can’t be split again later.

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    And you can adjust amounts if, and only if, you are using mix->return or channel->return options for the FX engines.

    Profile photo of Chris93Chris93

    Have a look at my post in this thread for how I set up FX to allow me to adjust it in monitors without effecting FOH and vice versa. You should be able to do this on a Qu, I think. To do this in your case you’d have needed two separate FX units for monitors, which is getting into “dedicated monitor desk” territory.

    Reverb in Mons from FOH

    As Mark says though, if you’re using different effects for each input then you can just give him the return for the one he wants, though FOH changes will still affect this.


    Profile photo of Flo84Flo84

    Maybe you can use 2 Fx processors :
    n°1 for FOH only with Fx Send set “Post Fader”
    n°2 for Monitor 3 with Fx Send set “Pre Fader”

    Any channels have 4 differents Fx Send that you can indiviually set “post” or “pre” fader
    Fx return for FOH is assigned to LR, Fx return for monitor is only assigned to Monitor 3.
    You can adjust the return level directly in the monitor 3 mix same as FOH.

    Profile photo of deepsdeeps

    Hey guys
    Thanks for the info was a bit busy recently so i never see the reply.
    Im using fx1-3 and fx 1 was the one that needed adjustment which was reverb.
    Since fx 4 is free il do that but i want to try what Chris did
    thanks for the help

    Profile photo of gillygilly

    Curious as to why one person wants 3 monitors. A bit (actually a lot) OTT don’t you think?

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