Monitor connection

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  • #85329
    Profile photo of JWJW

    New to the QU. Running sound for a small theater using QU-24. Only had main speakers connected for the audience, ordered 2 monitors for the stage. How do I hook up the monitors? Which connection do I use? It looks like cable was already routed to connect 1 powered speaker to the board with a cable running from that monitor to the second one.

    Profile photo of JimmyBJimmyB

    Mix outs. There’s one for each mix button.

    Profile photo of JWJW

    So if I connect to a Mix Out, how do I control the volume?

    Profile photo of GigaGiga

    Contact the store you’ve bought the mixer from; aparently the manual is missing ?


    Profile photo of Anonymous

    The manual is on line. PDF form.
    Freely available to download onto your phone of ipad or PC & Mac.
    And I do suggest you take to the time to understand the QU with manual because you will need that knowledge one day when unexpected.

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