MixPad "Routing"Screen

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  • #85217
    Profile photo of New2SQNew2SQ

    I was just trying to set up my SQ from home and discovered there is no “Routing” option. Is this coming or not intended to be added ever? Does anyone else want this added?

    Profile photo of rottmatrottmat


    Profile photo of FabFab

    There s no routing screen but you can assign/unassign every channels to every mix directly from layers. The ON key on each channel appears with the long fader screen mode.

    Profile photo of FabFab

    Same thing for pan . But it would be nice to see them permanently like the qu’s indeed

    Profile photo of FabFab

    Sorry i can’t edit my post, but just after posting i thought it s probably a choice from a&h to avoid assignement errors while mixing..

    Profile photo of New2SQNew2SQ

    @Fab Thanks, but I am primarily looking to set up some matrices.

    Profile photo of SlamminSlammin


    My understanding of routing to matrices is that you select the mix layer on the app and then highlight the matrix you want to route to. Then if you look to the right of the preamp section you should see a small grey arrow, press this and you will be taken to the routing page. Alternatively if you highlight any of the other outputs and press the same arrow you will see each matrix it can be routed to (you have the following controls pre/post, on/off and level)

    Profile photo of FabFab

    That’s right

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    Profile photo of New2SQNew2SQ

    They need to make a MixPad App reference guide. Thanks guys

    Profile photo of KeithJ A&HKeithJ A&H

    Hi @spleeding,

    There’s an SQ-MixPad help document available in the app from either the ‘Choose Unit’ screen (touch/click the ‘?’), or when in the app from the main session menu drop down.
    [this is an accompaniment to the SQ reference guide and so it deals with MixPad specific features only, however, this does include a screen navigation tree and points out the ‘second screen’ arrow that gets you to the routing screen]

    Hope this helps!

    Profile photo of New2SQNew2SQ

    The older I get, the dumber I feel. I’m not sure how I missed that. Thanks. Maybe this should get moved to general discussions.

    Profile photo of KeithJ A&HKeithJ A&H

    Hi @spleeding,

    Definitely don’t feel dumb – it’s on us that it wasn’t more obvious!
    We may take a look at the positioning of the routing screen again in the future.


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