There is one RTA and it is in the CQ core itself, not in the app. But the app can ‘steal’ ownership of it from the CQ hardware, so it will follow the channel selections on the app and be displayed on the app.
Pressing the RTA button on the unit or the app switches ownership of the RTA to that device.
You can have up to 3 possible connections for control, the unit itself and 2 instances of CQ-MixPad, so the unit always needs to know which one owns the RTA at any time. It will then tell the others that they don’t own the RTA, so you don’t have them displaying the RTA from another channel on the channel you might be looking at (which could be pretty confusing!).
When the app disconnects, it also surrenders ownership of the RTA as otherwise it would try and own the RTA on reconnection, when you might be using it elsewhere.
So it’s always a conscious decision with the app to display/steal the RTA by pressing the RTA button.