Midi fader bak with director

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  • #92680
    Profile photo of BradBrad

    Hi all,

    We are looking at options to run a seperate streaming mix out of the D-Live (i.e. with two operators). The most obvious is to use director as a second surface (i would love to purchase a second physical surface, but budget is nowhere close!!!). Would it be possible to use a usb midi fader bank to control faders in director? I’m not keen on the idea of live mixing with keyboard and mouse, and touchscreen mixing feels so “deliberate” and misses the flow of working with real faders.

    Is anyone else doing anything similar?


    Profile photo of RSRS

    That’s what a IP8 is made for….

    Profile photo of BrianBrian

    I have the same question. I realize the IP6 and IP8 devices are available, but they are pretty expensive for what they are. I think the Waves FIT controller is expensive too, but it is much cheaper than the IP8 ($1200 vs $1500) and it has twice the faders (16+1 vs 8). There are plenty of cheaper options out there too.

    So has anyone used a midi controller as a physical fader bank with Director? If so, do you mind sharing what hardware you used and a brief explanation on how you got it working?


    Profile photo of MikkiMikki

    I haven’t done any shows with a midi controller, but I tried setting something up. It was quite a lot of work as you need to midi map everything. I had OSCulator to do the midi mapping and Allen & Heath Midi Control to bridge my computer and MixRack. Worked great, but as said, quite a lot of work.

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