Metering on DCA channels

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    Profile photo of StevenSteven

    3 shows into a tour travelling with a SQ6 and very much enjoying it. I’m very much liking the flexibility to have all the key faders in reach on my first layer, so a mixture of DCAs, key input channels and FX returns. Then having all other layers acting in a similar way to a DCA spill.
    However I do miss being able to meter whats happening with the channels within those DCAs. Please could you add functionality to view a level meter on the processing overview page and on the led signal meter.

    Profile photo of GregTheGrateGregTheGrate

    I support this and at the same time, a peak hold indicator would be great

    Profile photo of KeithJ A&HKeithJ A&H

    Hi Steven,

    The DCA’s do not carry any audio, so there is no signal to meter.
    Mixing the signals from the members of the DCA group would require a bus (much like when you PAFL a DCA, you use the PAFL bus).
    Adding mixing and processing capability to the DCA would the equivalent to using a group, so rather than using DCA’s, perhaps using groups would achieve what you’re after here?


    Profile photo of StevenSteven

    Hi Keith
    I’m not wanting to process audio. I’m able to PAFL DCAs so surely it’s not hard to add a indicator of signal level? This is available on a similar priced digital console that I wouldn’t like to mention.

    Profile photo of Jens-DroesslerJens-Droessler

    PFLing a DCA probably works like this: All channels in that DCA group are put on AFL. You could do the same manually. There is no additional mix bus required. And as long as the DCA PLF is active, you can see the level of it, because it is the PFL level. Of course A&H could make a feature-less and lower precision bus for each DCA to mix all sources for level display, but it would cost DSP resources. Those are probably spent better in other ways.

    Profile photo of KeithJ A&HKeithJ A&H

    Hi Steven,

    Jens is correct, PAFL’ing a DCA is the equivalent of additive PAFL’ing all of its members at once.
    You’ll notice with a DCA PAFL active, the main 12 segment LED meter will display a level, but this is the level of the PAFL bus (which has had all the DCA members routed to it)


    the level of the DCA.

    As I said in my previous post, a DCA carries no signal, so there is no level to monitor.
    A DCA also has no output and can include inputs, FX sends/returns, mixes and matrices, so you wouldn’t necessarily be monitoring a useful contribution to anything.

    Jens is also right in saying that mixing all the channels of a DCA in order to have a signal to monitor would require an additional (albeit basic) bus.


    Profile photo of StevenSteven

    I’ve found another option that works for me, using a tablet to display meters. Thanks for your responses Keith, i’m very much enjoying the desk and looking forward to what firmware 1.3 brings.

    Profile photo of StevenSteven

    This was the photo I intended to upload earlier but it didn’t work the first time as the file was too big.

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