Hey everyone!
I am using a QU-32 board running out a Ethernet cable into 5 Daisy chained ME500s. I had just found out through some trial and error that the stereo routing only takes up one section on the Me500! This is great because I just rewired our board to run several stereo channels where as before we were running everything mono. That being said the way the interface works is a little confusing.
I was able to get our keys channel (stereo linked chs 9-10 to me500 ch 9) to run stereo as well as the FX channel (fx bus grp 3-4 into me500 ch 16). When I did this it left patch 16 open (reference picture 1) I thought if I patch in our click (ch 30) into it it should place it before the FX bus on the as labeled on our ME500 (ref. Picture 2) but when I do this I no longer get our FX out of ch 16 on our ME500.
Can anyone explain how the stereo routing works on these things?