ME-U and ME-1 units – Via iDR port A???

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  • #53657
    Profile photo of NeakmenterNeakmenter

    I have an ME-U unit and 8 ME-1… I’m currently using them with LS9 and Ethersound. All is good, but not enough channels from stage.

    NOW! I’m ditching the EtherSound and LS9 both and setting up a new system.

    The FOH guy has another brand FOH desk with Madi IO. Insists on using it.

    I’m buying an iLive iDR-48 Mixrack and am intending to use it “headless” (no surface) as a monitor board/input rack and just doing channel EQs before direct outs to the ME-U over ACE and mixrack-ins straight to iDR PortB MADI…

    Will this work? Will I be able to route postfade direct outs over PortA ace to the ME-U and mixrack-ins straight out over PortB MADI?

    The ME-U manual says “Do not use MixRack Port A ACE” – but I can’t see another way of getting the band’s 40 channels all routed to ME-U processed and MADI unprocessed. – looking at the software alone, it seems to be that I can route 32 channels to the “surface” (port A)
    Do you guys know if they would be picked up by the ME-U over ACE?


    Profile photo of Nicola A&HNicola A&H

    Hi Neak,
    There’s some discussion on this subject here:

    Profile photo of NeakmenterNeakmenter

    Yet again, your speedy response is appreciated! Makes me wonder if you ever sleep!

    Also thank you for being open with an unsupported workaround.

    I will take note of the caveats, but this does seem to be a suitable solution!

    Thank you very much A&H/Nicola!

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