Ah, I misunderstood your initial post. You just want the second console to act as a remote software controller for the primary console that has all the I/O connected. Basically using a second console in leu of a tablet/computer running the A&H CQ MixPad app. That is an interesting concept/request.
I assume you are thinking about this option because the MixPad app isn’t great and only available on iOS.
I’ll just say that there are more options coming so we aren’t stuck using the CQ MixPad only. Personally I’d much rather use a tablet or computer running the third party app Mixing Station (currently beta testing a CQ-20 version with the other versions to follow) which even allows you to use motorized Midi fader banks for real physical faders than I would want to try to run a show off the console’s touch screen. Even with the cost of a Midi fader bank, this would cost much less than a second CQ console and would provide more functionality. Obviously this device can be hardwired to the CQ console’s ethernet connection to ensure reliable performance as well.